In my classroom, I create a sense of community by first creating a classroom identity. We begin by discussing who we are and why we are in there. As a class, we create a class creed. This year our creed is:
We are the first grade class.
We are here to learn.
We are kind and treat each other with respect.
We share, listen, and forgive each other.
The students were able to come up with a wonderful creed with very little prompting. I asked the questions:
- Who are we? What makes us different from other classes?
- Why are we here?
- What do we do here?
- How to we treat each other?
Here are some other resources that have helped me in my classroom:
More information about creeds
Creating a Classroom Community
A Positive Classroom Community: Concrete Ways to Foster Unity from Day One
Ten Ways To Build Community in Your Classroom
Building A Classroom Community and Bully-Free Zone
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